Friday, April 8, 2011

Picture of the Week-#14

This weeks photo is of Harlee playing Wii with grandpa. I went and got her last Sunday and she had one on one with nana and papa. She likes to play Wii. She likes to play golf, has done bowling and archery. And she did cycling last night. She does great for a 4 year old and has great motor skills running the controller and the numchuck. Probably much better than the nana. Although she does get a little frustrated when it doesn't do what she thinks it should.


mehmkefar said...

What a great time Toots was having! A very memorable shot.

cait! said...

First of all, adorable. Second, I can't wait to play Wii with her. Third, I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL SHE IS BIG ENOUGH FOR DDR!!!!