as I had to say good bye to Caitlin this morning. She is on her way driving back to the coast. Just talked with her, as she was on the far side of Spokane. More than half way there. She had stopped for gas and some lunch.
We had such a great time with her at home. She spent lots of time with her niece and nephew.
We had lots of laughs playing Mario on the Wii.
She cooked a couple of yummy meals.
She caught up on some much needed rest and just relaxed after an exhausting last semester.
But school is behind her now and hopefully she can find a job that will make her happy.
Sometimes Seattle seems so far away.
But in just a few weeks, Curtis and I will be there and seeing her again.
Makes it OK to let her go.
Been trying to keep myself busy, so I don't think about her driving alone too much.
Pulled sheets off her bed, washed those sheets and her towels.
Remade the bed.
Cleaned the bathrooms.
Sent photos to be printed and picked them up.
Another unusually warm day--our car thermometer read 54F. Very windy again.
Enjoy, as it is to plunge into the deep freeze.
Bahhhh. Stop it. I'm going to cry now!
I can't image how you are feeling...I would want to follow my girls everywhere they are.
Hugs to you :)
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