Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Life on a Sheep Farm!

After seeing Christchuch, four of us got in a van to go visit a sheep farm.

Yes, there were goats too!

I was surprsed to see brown sheep!
They had a 3 legged sheep dog.  He was injured in a farming accident.
See how different the colour is down near the skin
Lots of wool!
Sheep shearing boots so they don't slip aroud.  The farmer sheared the sheep which I recorded.
The finished product.  They do everything at this farm -wash the wool, card the wool, spin the 
Wool and dye the wool.


Lisa said...

How fun to get to see the process in action!! The animals are so cute!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Tracy said...

I love learning and watching how things are done!
Must have been a great tour.