The thermometer was soaring today. The highest I saw was 68F! That's pretty fabulous for March! We do need some moisture desperately.
And I saw a bunch of robins out in the back yard this afternoon too!

My johnny jump ups are in full bloom

Green is appearing on the trees.

Rhubarb has poked it's way through the ground. Kirsten says it wasn't there last week.
Curtis and I took a drive up to Benton Lake this morning. Lots of ducks and swans. We didn't see any snow geese. Will post those photos later.
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What beautiful pictures!! I'm so happy it's spring!! I love seeing the daffodils blooming :) Have a great day!! Big hugs :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
Well, spring is springing up around there, isn't it! How nice.
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