Saturday, October 1, 2011

Great Falls Photo Walk

Today Curtis and I participated in the Great Falls Photo Walk, led by our friend, Robyn. It was held at the Mehmke Steam Museum, which is no longer open to the public.
I managed to snap 190 photos in just a couple of hours. And I believe it is the last photo of the day that I will probably enter on the photo walk site. There were over 30 registrants and lots of kids running around too.
Probably I will be having photos all weeks since I took so many, but here are a few to start.
I put yummy ribs in the crock pot for dinner. And the left over rice, I just put in the oven as rice pudding.


Tracy said...

Your photos again are stunning. As for the ribs, Yummy and rice pudding super yummy. I love to put a bit of jelly or jam on my rice pudding :)

mehmkefar said...

You have some great captures here!!