Tuesday, January 26, 2016

How to Pack??

for an extended holiday???   That is what is on my mind these days!!!  What to do when you are going to be gone almost 5 weeks!  I know I am packing for summer.  I know I have to have something dressy, for the cruise ship!!!  Can't do my own laundry on the boat.  This is the dilemma these days!!  What would you do????  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. 

The one thing I do have clear is that I am taking 2 camera bodies and 3 lens.  And my IPad and external hard drive. 

Keeping busy.  I was cancelled from work yesterday, as the NICU census is back down.  I went grocery shopping with Kirsten and Cooper.  His nana had to spoil him with an obligatory bag of Doritos.  That boy!!!  Maybe a little better than a bag of M&M's!!!  

We had Harlee for while after school until her dad picked her up.  She worked on some homework and played on the IPAD.  And had Salsa and chips.

In the midst of making Valentine cards.  It will be sneaking right up here and I leave before, so need to get things in order.  

Still working on a challenge for January doing a layout a day and seem to be keeping up and the month is almost a wrap!

This first layout is of Nic when he was a little guy and we went riding the Polar express.
The background is completely filled with Washi, as was the challenge.
Thank goodness I had a b/w photo to use.

 This second layout is from this Christmas and different photos of the 3 grandkids.


Tracy said...

Both layouts are lovely...so cool that the first ones background is made up of just washi tape!!!
Packing for 5 weeks and not being able to do laundry for that whole time.
I guess you could wash your delicates in the bathroom tub or sink.

Tracy said...

Bring plenty of sun dresses....sleeveless ones ;)

Lynette Jacobs said...

I would love an extended holiday! Lovely pages.

Lisa Rukin Swift said...

Sounds like you have a wonderful vacation planned! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :) Love your pages, especially the great washi background you created.