Monday, July 9, 2012

Westward Ho

OK, OK I know I haven't posted in a few days, but I have been away over the weekend with no wi-fi and then sick earlier in the week.
On Friday, we headed west over the mountains to Kalispell.  I invited Harlee to go with us quite a while ago and she has been wishy washy about what she wanted to do.  She didn't want to leave her mother, but in the end she didn't want to be with the boys and headed out of town with mama and papa.
We didn't know which route we were taking until the last moment.  We were doing one thing and then we had a 6am phone call that canceled everything.  And we headed through Glacier National Park.  Harlee wanted to see waterfalls.  And boy did we see waterfalls.  All the mountain snow is melting with the heat and causing lots of run off.
I was canceled from my shift at work today, but went in for a few hours to cover for a gal who needed to take her little one to a Dr. appointment.  Came home and vacuumed through.  Did a load of shirts.
And boy, is it hot today.  The thermometer in the car was reading 101F when I was taking Harlee to swimming this evening.  Way to hot for me.  The A/C is running non stop.


Papa said...

See waterfalls? You were >>IN<< waterfalls!


Tracy said...

Visiting here was the highlight of our trip to Montana.
That was one of the memorable trips we have been on as a family.
Looking at your photos brings a warmth to my heart.

cait! said...

I love her outfit. Also, where is her hat? Also also, did she like driving through the waterfalls?