Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Crazy Start to my Day

I agreed I would cover this morning for a co-worker.  No, problem.  But the unit isn't very busy and that is a problem..  It means we could float all over the hospital. 
I get up at 4:45 and call the unit and no surprise- they needed me.  So, I warm the car up good and head off to work for 6am.  It was cold at -10F.  I get up to the unit and staffing has just called and the person that was going to float doesn't have to.  That means I get to come home.  I wish they would get their act together just a little sooner. 

As it was getting light I noticed it was really pretty out and decided to head down to the river to take some photos.  Not a cloud in the sky, but lots of freezing fog over the river.  I didn't even drive way down by the river because I didn't think it would be too safe. 

It was an awesome morning to be out taking photos.  So, that is what you get this evening!


Tracy said...

Wow Leslee, your photos are STUNNING
I love the ones where the grey sky makes stark trees the main focus….gorgeous.
I would not be happy to have woke up early to go to work and not be needed…especially since you phoned first.
But then again if these photo were the outcome of that, it was well worth it.

Nat said...

wow you really got lots of snow! love the deer very beautiful! :)

Lisa said...

Wow, what stunning photos!! You did such an amazing job - I love the artistry of them!! I can't believe the snow you have already. It snowed here today but thankfully it didn't stick for long. Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Susanne said...

I'd say those photos are your reward for the early morning false alarm call-out. Fab!

Darnell said...

My heavens, Leslee, you are wizard with that camera! Your photos of the pure Montana outdoors are frame-worthy! Thank you for sharing! (I giggled over the photo of the "cloud" on the ground! For some reason when that happens, especially if it is an actual cloud and not a fine mist, I think of it as a deflated balloon ... poor little thing!) Hugs, Darnell