Tuesday, May 7, 2013

One of My Favourites

Look! What I found out on my little walk this morning. Yes, I am out walking again. A much shortened version of my normal walk. But, I need to do it for my sanity!
I don't know how pregnant women ever survive long periods of bed rest. Kudos to them!

Anyway, here is what I found. Some of my favourite flowers- tulips. They don't last long in a bouquet. I love to see them out in the garden. And our trees out back are almost in bloom. Harlee and I may need to do a photo session.

Another pretty quiet day at home for me. Although, I did have Kirsten take me to the grocery store for a few items this morning. And she and Cooper hung out with me for a while. He was having kind of a fussy time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I really hope you are taking it easy :)
Your flowers are so pretty, I have always like tulips :)